Case Converter

Convert text between different case styles instantly

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Text Case Styles Guide

Understanding different text cases and naming conventions in programming and writing.

Programming Naming Conventions

Different programming languages and frameworks prefer specific naming conventions:

// camelCase (JavaScript, Java)
let userName = "john_doe";
function calculateTotal() { }

// PascalCase (C#, TypeScript classes)
class UserAccount { }
interface ProductDetails { }

// snake_case (Python, Ruby)
user_first_name = "John"

// kebab-case (HTML, CSS)
<div class="user-profile">
.header-navigation { }

Writing and Publishing

Common text case styles in writing and content creation:

  • Title Case: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps" (Headlines, Book Titles)
  • Sentence case: "The quick brown fox jumps" (Normal text, Paragraphs)
  • UPPERCASE: "THE QUICK BROWN FOX" (Emphasis, Acronyms)
  • lowercase: "the quick brown fox" (Stylistic choice, Brands)

Best Practices

Guidelines for choosing the right case style:

  • Use consistent naming conventions within the same project
  • Follow language-specific conventions (e.g., PascalCase for C# classes)
  • Consider readability for long compound words
  • Use Title Case for formal headings and titles
  • Maintain consistency in documentation and UI text

Special Cases

Special considerations for text case conversion:

  • Preserve acronyms (NASA, UNESCO) in appropriate contexts
  • Handle hyphenated words correctly in title case (e.g., "Self-Contained")
  • Consider language-specific capitalization rules
  • Maintain proper nouns capitalization (e.g., "McDonald's")